Could you please elaborate on your queaton?
The Cuban missile crisis was resolved when the US promised to respect the territorial sovereignty of Cuba and Nikita Khrushchev agreed to remove the missiles from Cuba. Less than a year after the crisis ended the US and the Soviet Union signed an agreement to end the above-ground testing. Later in 1968, they signed the nonproliferation treaty. The European allies of the US were angered but the secret negotiation that the US was having with the Soviet Union, which could have led to atomic war.
Mungo Park is a Scottish explorer and the first westerner known who was able to travel the central part of the Niger River. Imperialism on the other hand is defined as the practice of a country to increase its power by having control over other parts of the world. The connection between the two ideas is that both are talking about going to other parts of the world and gaining control over it.
Love God.
Love your neighbor as yourself.
Forgive others who have wronged you.
Love your enemies.
Ask God for forgiveness of your sins.
Jesus is the Messiah and was given the authority to forgive others.
Repentance of sins is essential.
Don't be hypocritical.
After the election of November 6, 1866, Congress imposes its own Reconstruction policies, referred to by historians as "Radical Reconstruction." This re-empowers the Freedman's Bureau and sets reform efforts in motion that will lead to the 14th and 15th Amendments, which, respectively, grant citizenship to all