I am a European immigrant that came to the United States of America I came to America because they got so much stuff and I heard from my fellow friends that it's the best place to be I'm sorry to leave you and work has been caught me up but I've settled down really nasty and a nice little town here in America I wish all you can come so you can see this amazing side of this new country even though we Europeans had bad impressions of it it's actually not that bad...
Virginia other Southern Colonies
Virginia and other Southern colonies settled by They wrere maintained stronger ties with Britain.
Hopefully this helps your answer to this question!
a high ecclesiastic appointed by the pope to the College of Cardinals and
ranking above every other ecclesiastic but the pope.
Im guessing
Ans: During his twelve years in office, President Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed eight new members of the Supreme Court of the United States: Associate Justices Hugo Black, Stanley F. Reed, Felix Frankfurter, William O.