'Youre my sunshine on darkest days' is a Metaphor. Tbh you could have used google for that
By giving practical assynments to the students and then, by doing with the students together. by appreciating by showing directions; by motivating students etc.
Add phrases to make the story flow smoothly (cohesian markers, pronouns , conjuctions) eliminate unnecesary details. and proofread
<h2>This quote is about love.</h2>
He won't admit that he was the one who got her hooked on the donkey. When titania's head gets changed into that of a donkey during play practice, Oberon turns him into the play's biggest comedy.
Oberon claims that his pals have fled from him in terror because they are trying to "make a donkey" out of him, unaware that he has changed. (Yes, that is a clear instance of dramatic irony.
More on this is covered in "Symbolism, Imagery, and Allegory." Shakespeare most likely took inspiration from Apuleius's Golden Donkey, a funny tale from the time of the Roman Empire about a man who is transformed into a donkey.
Learn more about Shakespeare