Because of the many invasions, it is more appropriate to refer to the Middle Ages as the "Dark Ages." The period under consideration saw a number of invasions. The Vikings were a well-known group of invaders that came from Scandinavia. Then, after robbing villages and bringing their treasure home, they would return to their homeland. They killed and set fire to innocent peasants and townspeople, causing widespread devastation. As a consequence of these assaults, many people were left homeless and starving. Those who were lucky perished in battle. It was also common for Vikings to abduct and transport innocent people to their homelands, where they would be forced to work as slaves. Another reason why the Middle Ages should be referred to as the Dark Ages was war.
Sad times!!!
(130 words)
The Industrialization in Russia began after the United States. Industrialization in America began without any intervention of the government.
Industrialization in America changed the scenario of social and economic structure. In autocratic Russia, Industrial Revolution often started by the state. Russia made efforts to catch up with the more powerful and innovative states of Europe (Prussia). Russian industrialization was associated with with the 5-year plans of Stalin. The working-class consciousness among factory labours developed quickly in Russia.
the main idea of it is that lifes journey that is filled with obstacles
odysseus was in war for 10 years, he has been long and full of trials, and obstacles, idk if this he hopfully it helped but hopefully it gave you a idea.:)
6 is the value of n then.
C. It led to a power struggle between Stalin and Trotsky.
- The stroke that occurred after the assassination attempt pinned him to a wheelchair and he was incapable of any activity. It began to think who would succeed him and what direction he would take after Lenin was no longer in charge.
- Numerous debates have taken place on these issues during Lenin's lifetime. On the issue of democratization of the party, there was a first split in the Central Committee. Stalin, Zinoviev, and Kamenev created a group called the "troika." They aimed to prevent the introduction of greater democracy in party life, to prevent his greatest supporter of Trotsky from gaining Lenin's office in the party.
- The troika took off and Leo's influence in the party dropped significantly. However, the "troika" soon disintegrates, and Zinoviev and Kamenev approach Trotsky.
- The "left opposition", which opposed the "right-wing power" over the conceptions of further Russian economic development. In this conflict, the decision fell when Secretary General Stalin sided with the right wing. The positions of the left, including Trotsky, were very weak. Trotsky was then expelled from the Politburo, however, he did not give up. He tried in public and the party to provoke a revolt against Stalin, but failed.
- The consequences were great: he was expelled from the party, and afterwards, in 1929, Trotsky was expelled from the Soviet Union.
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