But the beggar found his fortune, and at length became emperor. He returned and stood before his wife. She however, no longer re
cognized him: She only knew that he was the powerful emperor. He asked her how she were getting along.
"Why do you ask me how I am getting along?” she replied. "I am too far beneath your notice.”
"And who may your husband be?”
"My husband was a beggar. He went away to seek his fortune. That was eighteen years ago, and he has not yet returned.”
"And what have you done during all of those long years?”
"I have been waiting for him to return.”
"Do you wish to marry someone else, seeing that he has been missing for so long?”
"No, I will remain his wife until I die!”
When the emperor saw how faithful his wife was, he told her who he was, had her clothed in magnificent garments, and took her with him to his imperial palace.
Which theme is most likely conveyed in this passage?
The humble are the mighty.
The humble are the mighty.
Good things come to those who wait.
Good things come to those who wait.
Time enhances beauty.
Time enhances beauty.
Hard work results in good fortune.
Hard work results in good fortune.
But the beggar found his fortune, and at length became emperor. He returned and stood before his wife. She however, no longer recognized him: She only knew that he was the powerful emperor.
He asked her how she were getting along.
"Why do you ask me how I am getting along?” she replied. "I am too far beneath your notice.”
"And who may your husband be?”
"My husband was a beggar. He went away to seek his fortune. That was eighteen years ago, and he has not yet returned.”
"And what have you done during all of those long years?”
"I have been waiting for him to return.”
"Do you wish to marry someone else, seeing that he has been missing for so long?”
"No, I will remain his wife until I die!”
When the emperor saw how faithful his wife was, he told her who he was, had her clothed in magnificent garments, and took her with him to his imperial palace.
Which theme is most likely conveyed in this passage?
The humble are the mighty.
The humble are the mighty.
Good things come to those who wait.
Good things come to those who wait.
Time enhances beauty.
Time enhances beauty.
Hard work results in good fortune.
Hard work results in good fortune.