1. la vejez
2. la madurez
3. el nacimiento
The exercise aims for you to practice the stages of life. Here is the translation of the sentences with answers:
1. My grandmother retired and moved (moved) to Viña del Mar. A: Old age
2. My father works for a large company in Santiago. A: The maturity
3. Did you see my new nephew in the hospital? He is beautiful and so little! A: the birth
Here is some extra vocabulary about stages of life:
La muerte - Death
La adolescencia - The adolescence
La niñez - Childhood
1) yo traigo la mochila a la clase 2) yo oigo la musica de los vecinos 3) yo hago la tarea 4) yo, supongo que vamos a perder.
favor de seguirme
putting "favor de" in front of the verb creates a polite tone
-ar or -er or -ir verbs
For example:
ar verbs:
-hablar (to speak, pronounced: ah-blahr)
-escuchar (to listen, pronounced: ehs-koo-chahr)
-conversar (to talk, pronounced: kohn-behr-sahr)
er verbs:
-comer (to eat, pronounced: koh-mehr)
-aprender (to learn, pronounced: ah-prehn-dehr)
-leer (to read, pronounced: leh-ehr)
ir verbs:
Cda significado: "Cucharada", se refiere a la medida utilizada en los instrumentos de cocina. ... Calz significado: "Calzada", se refiere a rallado de las partes exteriores de las carreteras, las cuales son para el tránsito de ciclistas y autos accidentados.