They needed money to run the expansion, alot of problems within elected officials alot of crime and violence within its own empire.
to help me get to my desire reality so I'm doing a kind of push when shifting i visualize one of four things doin a methods desired reality marvel design bedroom compound
All graphic designers abide by a set of general, underlying principles as a basis for their designs. Dominance is one of those design principles. The principle of dominance states that all designs should have a single feature that stands out from the rest of the elements in the composition; all designs should have a focal point. Picture yourself going through life without any signs, maps, or role models to guide your way. You have no goals, no destinations, nothing to do. Wouldn’t you feel lost? And bored? Well, your eyes feel the same way when searching a composition for a focal point that doesn’t exist! Dominance provides a place for your eyes to settle in a composition. Sure, your eyes might wander around and explore other areas of a design, but the focal point is the starting point for that exploration.
a) Baroque artists sought to convey figures full of emotion and energetic movement.
Baroque artists were trying hard to <u>express energy, emotion, movement, dynamics, and drama</u> through their art as well as their sculptures. We can look into works of some of the most famous Baroque sculptors like Bernini, Maderno or Mochi, to see <u>sculptures that are in movement, full of expression, details, emotions, and life. </u>
Renaissance was aiming more for a classic, realistic style that celebrated the figure and the simplicity, <u>while the Baroque style was full of life and drama, embodied through sharp contrasts, theatrical facial expressions, movement, and ornamentation. </u>
D. Music has adapted to all of the technology that it is likely to