Abre la boca por favor
No muevas tu boca
Te as lavado los dientes?
Thats how much I've come up hope that helps.
Una cita textual debe ser fiel y transcribir el texto palabra por palabra de otro autor o de un documento propio previamente publicado; al hacerlo el texto se pone entre comillas acompañado de los datos del autor, año y número de la página de donde se extrajo.
Hey there!
The American Sport that isn't also popular sport in Colombia would be
(not soccer)
El anuncio radial es un texto publicitario que se trasmite de forma oral por las ondas radiofónicas y tiene como propósito persuadir a otros de comprar un producto o un servicio, participar en un evento o realizar acciones de interés social.
Chico - 4
Although <em>CH </em>is graphically two letters, it is one sound.
Silla - 4
Although <em>LL </em>is graphically two letters, it is one sound.
Queso - 4
In the combinations <em>QUE</em> and <em>QUI </em>the <em>U </em>is silent.
Juguete - 6
In the combinations <em>GUE</em> and <em>GUI </em>the <em>U </em>is silent.
Hijo - 3
The letter <em>H </em>is always silent in Spanish.
Oso - 3
All the letters are pronunced as they are written down.
Cheque - 4
<em>CH</em> - one sound; <em>QUE</em> - silent <em>U.</em>
Español - 7
All the letters are pronunced as they are written down.
Hermano - 6
The letter <em>H </em>is always silent in Spanish.
Casa - 4
All the letters are pronunced as they are written down.
Anillo - 5
<em>LL</em> - one sound
Amor - 4
All the letters are pronunced as they are written down.