Shakespeare builds tension in the play by having the witches mysteriously appear and dissapear. Through dramatic irony he is giving the audience more information about the witches then the characters. They are thinking whether to trust the witches or not, but we already know that they shouldn’t.
They come to appreciate the writer's craft as they consider the feelings, ... Describe characters based on speech, action, and interactions with others; Make ... Articulate an opinion and support it with evidence; Skim for facts, and take notes ... of their choice from a selection of award-winning works by renowned authors
I would say B
Because Dogs cannot talk
Answer: ''...should not be changed for light and transient causes''
Prudence is the quality of being careful such that one does not make a decision with too much haste but rather weighs the decision before making it such that the decision is not made for light or transient reasons.
In the Declaration of Independence, the Founding Fathers tried to explain that the declaration was made with prudence because with such a long lasting Government as the British, changes should not be made unless absolutely warranted and events had warranted the declaration.