Answer: La Primera Guerra Mundial dejó como consecuencia una gran devastación demográfica y social, así como, una fuerte crisis económica. Desaparecieron cuatro imperios que fueron el alemán, el ruso, el austrohúngaro y el otomano, y se formaron nuevos países, lo que modificó la demografía de Europa central.
William pitt was a british pm
John Brown delivered this speech on the last day of his trial<span>, </span>after hearing the jury pronounce him<span> ‘</span>guilty.’.<span> He knew he would be sentenced to die.</span><span> Given that context, what does this</span>speech say<span> about </span>him<span> as a person?</span>
He did not like being called any formal names other than president, he liked being known as one with his people, and he seemed the advice of others when running his country
The reason that President Harry Truman order the Atomic
Energy Commission to produce a hydrogen bomb was because President Truman had
hoped that it would restore the advantage of the United States over the soviet
union by which he ask them to produce hydrogen bomb that would be 1,000 times
powerful than the atomic bomb.