From November 15 until December 21, 1864, Union General William T. Sherman led some 60,000 soldiers on a 285-mile march from Atlanta to Savannah, Georgia. The purpose of Sherman’s March to the Sea was to frighten Georgia’s civilian population into abandoning the Confederate cause. Sherman’s soldiers did not destroy any of the towns in their path, but they stole food and livestock and burned the houses and barns of people who tried to fight back. The Yankees were “not only fighting hostile armies, but a hostile people,” Sherman explained; as a result, they needed to “make old and young, rich and poor, feel the hard hand of war.”
1. Lockout: Closing the factory to break a labor movement before it could get organized
2. Blacklists: Names of prounion workers circulated among employers
3. Yellow-dog contracts: Workers being told, as a condition for employment, that they must sign and agreement not to join a union
4. Calling in private guards or state militia
5. obtaining court injunctions against strikes
Amendment 13-abolition of slavery throughout us-Dred Scott v Stanford
Amendment 15-right to vote cannot be denied regardless of previous condition-United vs Reese
Amendment 19-women’s suffrage granted them right to vote-minor vs Happersett
Dred vs Scott-This case was about a man living in Illinois (a free state) with a slave (Dred Scott). When Dred Scott's owner died he became a free man, however Sanford's brother in law said otherwise. The laws said that he could be free, but others said that he was still a slave and that because of that he can't be a free man.
Us vs Reese-declared that the 15th amendment did not automatically protect the right of African Americans to vote (only listed the ways that states were not allowed to prevent them from voting)
Minor vs Happersett-presented herself at the polls in St. Louis in 1872 and when the registrar refused to permit her to vote, she and her husband sued him for denying her one of the "privileges and immunities of citizenship"; when they lost the case they appealed to the Supreme Court
I know this was a lot but hope it helped:)
Folk religions are animistic, folk religions are based on traditions
folk religions are animistic
forgive me if im wrong
edit: its correct
D would be your answer.
In a democracy, the people are allowed to make input into political and economical decisions. I just learned about this!
Have an awesome day!