Examples of Independent Agencies are the ICC, FCC, NLRB, and NRC. The National Labor Relations Board, the FEC, the FTC, the Federal Reserve Board, and the FCC. ... Cabinet level agencies, on the other hand, have one agency head, who serves at the will of the president (Attorney General) because they are executive agencies. And there is your answer
Reasons for Britain's Victory
Collaboration with colonial authorities: Pitt gave local authorities control over supplies and recruitment, paying them for their help, while the French struggled to get manpower and supplies. The French were however better at recruiting the Indians to fight with them. A better navy.
Anne & her mothers relationship improved
when Anne and her family were in hiding you can see the challenge and has been dealing with her mother especially in the first 6 months the stress of the close quarters and exchanges was stressful for everyone and starts with shortened unkind comments about her mother for example "at moments like these I can't stand my mother it's obvious that I'm a stranger to her she doesn't even know what I think about the most ordinary things explain Annie however as time passes and she starts to realize and observe all thee challenges her mother has and is dealing with.
anne behavior in public tended to be goofy and obnoxious which bothered her mother although she was unable to share the more mature than reflective part of herself with her mother. she did share her thoughts in her diary
" My days of passing judgment on mother is over I've grown wiser and mother's nerves are a bit studier most of the time I managed to hold my tongue when I'm annoyed and see this to so on the surface we seem to be getting along better explains anne
The Treaty of Paris
January 15 , 1929 in Atlanta , GA