past tense: deemphasized; past participle: deemphasized
reduce the importance or prominence given to (something).
"the reform de-emphasized central planning and placed more power in the association of socialized industries"
I lay in the soft green grass, watching the wind shake the delicate petals around me.
For every brief moment i think I want to stay here forever and never flee.
I’m taken back by the quiet trickles of water i here flowing in the stream.
I watch a brittle leaf fall into the damp bliss letting the stream take it on its course
At this moment I feel no remorse,
Because maybe the key to life is embracing what comes your way even if it’s at full force.
To prove that the platform does not exist
1. for the Milwaukee Brewers
2. of baseball's most distinguished records
3. with 30 or more homeruns
4. in the top five
5. for career hits and runs