b. Does this site contain too much information?
Most of the time, the more information there is, the better. However, you should verify that the information given is factual, or, if you are using it to back up an argumantary essay, that it supports your point of view.
Declarative: <em>Makes a statement, using a period.
</em>Interrogative: <em>Asks a question, using a question mark. (?)
</em>Imperative: <em>Makes a demand, using a period.</em>
There is also a fourth type of sentece:
<em />Exclamatory: <em>Expresses strong feeling, using an exclamation point.
</em>However, exclamatory sentences are always one of the above as well.
a) "when the doctors came, they said said she had died of heart disease--of joy that kills" the doctors assume that mrs. mallard, who had a heart condition, is shocked to see her husband alive & the joy of seeing him alive kills her