B) pine beetle, longleaf pines, Alabama
on USA Test Prep
E. All of the above
According to a different source, these are the options that come with this question:
A. Jim’s mother lacks religious faith, whereas the school book mothers are pious.
B. She is neither loving nor devoted to her son, whereas the school book mothers are.
C. She is healthy, whereas the school book mothers are always dying of consumption.
D. She physically hits him, whereas the school book mothers are gentle and affectionate.
E. All of the above
This question refers to the story "The Story of the Bad Little Boy" by Mark Twain. In this story, Twain talks about a boy who was very bad, but who never felt guilty, received a punishment or was particularly unhappy. According to Twain, this shows that the moral stories that we find in "Sunday-school books" do not reflect reality.
One of the elements in the boy's life (Jim) that did not resemble those stories was his mother. Jim's mother was not a sick and pious woman like those often found in such stories. Instead, she was tough, healthy and "stout." Moreover, she was not religious, and she did not worry about Jim in any way. Instead, she cared little for him and physically hit him, spanking him and boxing his ears.
The low rider cruised slowly down the street.
Swift uses a false premise to create humor.
Ridiculous situations abound in Gulliver's travels and this is one of them. It is quite absurd that a man born blind could be versed in the art of painting. Having blind apprentices too supports this because they can't know what they are doing let alone teach someone else.
Of course the professor must be generally mistaken and the fraternity that elevates him must be one ridiculous lot.
In the final chapter, Jekyll's letter highlights one of the main themes of the novel, the dual nature of man. It is this concept that caused him to pursue his disastrous experiments that led to his downfall. Hyde, the personification of Jekyll's purely evil characteristics, revels in the freedom of an anonymous existence. Although he successfully distills his evil side, Jekyll still remains a combination of good and evil. Thus, when transforming back and forth, his evil side grows stronger and more powerful after years of repression, and is able to take over completely. In this way, Jekyll's experiments are the opposite of what he hoped. Interestingly, as is repeatedly mentioned throughout the novel, Hyde is a small man often called dwarfish, while Jekyll is a man of large stature. Thus, the reader is left to assume that Jekyll's evil side is much weaker and less developed than his good side. However, appearances can be deceiving. In fact, Hyde's strength far out powers Jekyll's.
In his letter, Jekyll clearly states that he felt no guilt about Hyde's actions, as "Henry Jekyll stood at times aghast before the acts of Edward Hyde, but the situation was apart from ordinary laws, and insidiously relaxed the grasp of conscience. It was Hyde, after all, and Hyde alone, that was guilty." To the reader, this explanation seems ridiculous, because Hyde is in fact part of Jekyll, and a being that Jekyll created. Therefore, clearly Jekyll is responsible for the man's actions.