What percentage of children died before reaching adulthood in ancient Rome?
In ancient Rome, what percentage of children died before reaching adulthood? * 25%May 6, 2020
In ancient Rome, what percentage of children died before ...
Please mark brainliest, sorry i was late!!!!!!!!!!!
A - Compulsory education.
Compulsory education, as it's name suggests, refers to the requirement of all people to be educated by the government. Depending the country and type of society, what is perceived as education may change (could be homeschooling or registered schooling). It's a double movement for parents given that they are to see that their children receive instruction and the government has to provide the opportunities.
قارة استراليا التقويم النشاط الاقتصادي السكان النبات الطبيعي المناخ السطح الموقع
تشتهر لحوم الحملان الأسترالية بكونها أجود أنواع اللحوم في العالم، حيث توفر لك أوسع مجموعة من أجود قطع اللحم الفاخرة، ما .
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