1. A shirt
2. A pair of pants
3. Several pairs of socks
4. Several pairs of clean underwear
5. Deodorant
6. Toothbrush
7. Toothpaste
8. Hairbrush
9. Soap
10. A warm jacket
11. Sturdy shoes
12. Food
13. Water
14. Medicine
15. A washcloth
Children performed physical labor for long hours each day.
Most people who worked in the 1800s in the industry could not earn enough money to support a family. They would work long hours, usually 10-12 hours a day, six to seven days a week. To support the family their kids would also join the workforce. Kids were used to selling newspapers or work with machines since they could get into tight spaces a lot easier than adults. They did not have time for school.
Constitutional Democracy is a system of government in which 1) political authority- the power of government is defined,limited and distributed by a body of fundamental law call “the constitution” and 2) the electorate- the general voting populace within the political society has effective meaning on controlling the elected representatives in the govt and hold them accountable for their decisions and actions while in office
Reform means the improvement or amendment of what is wrong or currupt.
" Concurrent powers are powers of a federal system of government shared by both the federal government and each constituent political unit (such as states or province) "