Over the past two decades, social media have gained so much growth and fame worldwide to an extent that many researchers are now interested in learning more about these social platforms and their effects on the community. Despite the fact that almost everyone in the community is connected to at least one social media platform, the youth and teenagers are the leading and most fanatic of these social platforms to the point that they even social network while in class or even church. It is to this light that researchers have found that these social sites impact the lives of our youth in a society a great deal in terms of morals, behavior and even education-wise.
The use of social media has both negative and positive impacts on our youths today. In this paper, I aim to bring to light the impacts of social media specifically to the youth of this generation. These impacts are both positive and negative.
The positive impacts of social media on the youth today include making them up date on the events happening around the globe and also enables them network and stay connected with their fellow youths and friends without physical meetings. Additionally, youths can create pages and groups in the social media platforms based on their professions, faith among other dimensions of their lives and this leads to more connections being built and more opportunities being opened for their respective disciplines. This can even lead to more employment opportunities being created for the unemployed youths. From the many interviews carried daily, youths say that social media platforms make their lives enjoyable, efficient and easier and has also become their lifestyle.
Even though media sites seem to connect more people and make them stay up to date, it leads to isolation socially according to a report. It reduces the number of face-to-face interactions among the youths because they normally spend most of their time on these online social platforms. An evaluation from a number of studies done by various scientists show that social isolation can cause a number of effects such as physical, emotional, mental and psychological issues in these youths. This can in turn lead to depression, anxiety and many other problems. It also leads to misspelling of words and misuse of words and tenses through the use of short forms and abbreviations. This has a high negative impact more so on students because it affects their language capabilities directly and this lead to poor grades in languages.