Lady Macbeth: she worries her husband is too kind-natured to be able to take the crown however is determined to assist him. She calls on demonic spirits to help her.
Macbeth: he is not convinced, even though his ambitious thoughts led him to think about it previously, Lady Macbeth starts convincing him - this shows him as weak-willed.
It means most important. For example, a priority for you would be to get good grades. It's currently the most important thing for you right now.
Answer: Alternative D - Greedy
Some synonyms: avid, greedy, hungry, grasping, rapacious, ravenous
I think it can , you can get whatever you want that can make you happy or help you be happy
The last act of the play is significant as it shows how a proud and confident king was brought low by his fate.
This last act suggests that Creon's refusal to accept his fate lead to the death of his own family, and before he could undone what he has done, it was too late.
Antigone is a play written by Sophocles. The play begins with the death of two brothers, who killed each other because of the curse spelled upon them by their father, Odepius.
After the death of two brothers, the throne came under their uncle Creon, who ordered not to bury Polynices's body but to be left on the battle ground.
Creon was a proud and confident king, who refused to accept his fate. The last act of the play is significant to portray that even a king like Creon, who is proud and confident is brought low by his fate. No one can change his/her fate.
The last act also describes how in his quest to overcome his fate and refusal of the same led to the death of his family. By the time Creon accepts his fate, he had already lost his family. Antigone and Haemon committed su-ic-ide. This also suggests that one's refusal to accept his/her own fate and quest to change it have it's consequence upon his/her family as well.