Not rushing and slowing down and going through and explaining each slide
Answer and Explanation:
1. A universal law is one that is always in force, regardless of territory, government or time of year. This law does not change over time, it is not effective only under specific conditions, nor does it lose effectiveness over time, but it overcomes all social and environmental changes and remains effective.
2. The best way to seek happiness in life is to be a person who promotes actions that generate gratifications for your psychological system, such as promoting honest, tolerant, kind, progressive, true, honorable and egalitarian actions.
3. The number of dogs suitable for a home is proportional to the ability of the humans who live in that home to care for the dogs and meet their needs. If the owners of the house can provide this for five dogs, this is the ideal number of dogs for this house, if the owners can only raise one dog, this is the ideal number and so on.
4. The best advice that a parent can give to a child is to talk so that the child always acts rationally, think long before making any decisions, to avoid arrogance and losses and thus have a full and happy life.
5. The composition of the popsicles does not interfere with their freezing speed. This depends on the volume of the popsicles and the capacity of the freezer. For this reason, it is not correct to say that cherry popsicles freeze more slowly than orange ones.
A connotation is the feeling a word invokes. A denotation is what the word literally says.
Example: If these words were on a trip, connotation would be the baggage, and denotation would be the traveler.
ill need help to answer this question.
Among paragraphs 8-38, we can see that Mary did not prepare dinner, but got ready, prepared a drink for her husband and waited anxiously for him to return from work because it was Thursday night. This was a special day when Mary and her husband had dinner outside.
This question is about "Lamb to the Slaughter", a short story that tells the story of Mary, a very pregnant woman dedicated to the welfare of her husband who is anxiously waiting for them to go out to dinner. Mary has a very strong admiration for her husband, loves his company and feels good when he is at home. However, the special night was spoiled when her husband comes home and tells her that their marriage is over.