The change in time for the first quarter is 2.07 seconds.
The change in time for the second quarter is 1.09 seconds.
The change in time for the third quarter is 0.95 seconds.
The change in time for the fourth quarter is 0.81 seconds.
This is for table C
It's the Immune system!
good luck
<span>During a micro-sleep, you are likely to have a blank stare, sudden shake of the body, head snapping and you are not able to recall a last minute.
The duration of micro-sleep are from 1 second to 30 second.
It can happen to anyone and at any time of the day. there are many reason of micro-sleep and it is said to be dangerous, especially when you are driving.
Bridgham et al. (2006) showed that the interaction between a steroid hormone (aldosterone-M) and its receptor (mineralocorticoid) evolved by Darwinian gradualism. In this work, the authors demonstrated a primitive affinity between the hormone and its receptor that was initially present in chemically similar but more ancient ligands. This result has implications in understanding the association between gene duplication and the evolution of hormone signaling pathways. For example, in invertebrates, this work reinforces the importance of gene duplication in the existing interaction between paralogous glucocorticoid receptors and their receptor mineralocorticoid genes that were derived from duplication (Thornton 2001).
The publications above cited are the following:
J.T. Bridgham, S.M. Carroll, and J.W. Thornton (2006). Evolution of hormone-receptor complexity by molecular exploitation. Science, 312(5770), 97-101.
JW Thornton. Evolution of vertebrate steroid receptors from an ancestral estrogen receptor by ligand exploitation and serial genome expansions, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (PNAS), 2001, vol. 98 10 (pg. 5671-5676).
Histamines are chemicals released by the body as an allergic response.They help the body by reacting when their are "intruders" so when enters, histamine acts as a messenger and sends out a signal for the body to create a reaction helping to get rid of teh intruder through some type of reaction.