c i did this test and got it right
<span>This is a true statement.
Cantatas are divided into contrasting sections which are referred to as movements.
Cantata was mostly being applied exclusively to choral works which are distinguished from solo vocal music.
Cantatas retained its original Italian usage to which described a secular vocal piece of extended length and was different in sections and being italianated in style.</span>
If it's right let me know. If not, then you can tell me the answer so I can change it for everyone to get the answer
Los autosomas o cromosomas autosómicos han sido ordenados de acuerdo a la morfología que poseen. ... Cada par de cromosomas son homólogos, es decir, contienen genes idénticos, con la misma ubicación a lo largo de cada cromosoma (locus). Ambos codifican para las mismas características genéticas.
Un autosoma es cualquier de los cromosomas, excepto los cromosomas sexuales. Los humanos tienen 22 pares de autosomas y un par de cromosomas sexuales (el par número 23, formado en las mujeres por dos cromosomas X y, en los hombres, un cromosoma X y un cromosoma Y).
mutation is the permanent alteration of the nucleotide sequence of the genome of an organism, virus, or extrachromosomal DNA or other genetic elementsit is of two types :- point mutation and frame shift mutation
point mutation - mutation only in a single base
frame shift - in the entire sequence or an entire set