Of the historical division into six darsanas (philosophies), two schools, Vedanta and Yoga, are currently the most prominent. Classified by primary deity or deities, four major Hinduism modern currents are Vaishnavism (Vishnu), Shaivism (Shiva), Shaktism (Devi) and Smartism (five deities treated as same
To try to strengthen the Soviet economy
The Soviet's didn't surrender to America. They called for peace after the US started shifting its relations to China. USSR felt threatened and eventually they both agreed to cut on weapons.
It was because of the following of land runs.
(got it from online) <span>The aim of the crusades was to take over the so called Holy Lands. Much of the ambition was to just loot the place instead of saving it. Sometimes there was a success and the crusaders held it but it was never held for very long. They did hold Jerusalem for over 75 years at one time. But that is just a drop in the time line for the Mideast. Eventually, the Crusaders were kicked out. Last, we still feel the effects of this effort. Many of the Islamic nations still remember it as if it was yesterday and they are not fond of those memories. Hence a successful failure.</span>