that's not a good idea, most teachers search the web to check for plagiarism, and if they did they would see this question. but I'd say to go over the main facts, such as their diet, their ecosystem, and animals that prey on them. then add a few facts as space fillers if you need to.
The digestion of dietary and blood protein.
Encephalopathy is a disease referring to brain damage or malfunction. This means that, a situation whereby the brain is not functioning very well.
This can be caused by drugs, toxins, trauma and infections among others.
In this case, the building up of ammonia in the blood will result to type of encephalopathy known as hepatic encephalopathy. This is when the consciousness level of the brain is being altered.
This happens when the the liver cannot remove toxic chemicals like ammonia from the body.
There are lots of transitional organisms in the fossil record though it does take very specific and precise conditions for a fossil to be preserved, a deer that dies in a field will not end up in the fossil record so we are looking at a small sampling of the evidence (and a good thing too or there wouldn't be anywhere to walk with all the bones laying around)