Uttering words in a low tone. Like if talking by to themselves.
Avoidance during conflict is extremely unhealthy for sustaining positive relationships, as leaving a problem to boil and sit over is extremely unhealthy and only causes more anger.
Knowledge does, in fact, lead you to new oppertunites. When you learn, you may go down career paths that you did not even know interest you. Learning always has a positive affect on people. Even if you know something you didn't want to know, this information could help you later in life. The more you read, the more information you will be learning and this leads me back to Dr. Suess' quote. Whenever you read, you are learning, and whenever you are learning you are giving yourself a brighter future!
Well I am not too sure but I'll just help you with an idea. What does it mean to be American? Hmm well being American is being original and true with idea and thoughts. Being American doesn't mean being just ONE race it is being many different races. What makes American is Different and Bold. It means being ONE together.
a pithy observation that contains a general truth, such as, “if it ain't broke, don't fix it.” and im glad your alive
hope this helps
have a good day :)