The 7 deadly sins are:
1) Lust - cravings for bodily pleasures
Abigail Williams and John Proctor sinned because they both lusted for one another despite John being married. They committed adultery.
2) Gluttony - inordinate desire to consume more than which one needs
3) Greed - the desire to own material wealth or gain usually obtained by foul means.
Thomas Putnam is a very greedy person. He even went to the extent of falsely accusing people whose properties he wants to own.
4) Sloth - laziness, avoidance of doing physical or spiritual work.
5) Wrath - an experience of extreme anger to the extent of being blind to anything else but ones fury.
Mrs. Ann Putnam is a very bitter and angry woman. Out of her 8 children only 1 survived and she sent her daughter away to talk to the spirits of her dead children.
6) Envy - the desire to possess something that is owned by another
Abigail is envious of Elizabeth because she is the wife of John Proctor. Abigail wants John for herself and accused Elizabeth of witchcraft so that Elizabeth will be sentence to die.
7) Pride - the excessive belief in one's own abilities to the extent of discarding the grace of God
Reverend Paris an individual characterized as one who is full of pride. He believes that he is better than anyone else because he is richer in material things.
I would say the third option, as Fredrick Douglass wrote his as an autobiography, and Huckleberry Finn is an adventure-type story.
Last Saturday I visited your showroom in Springfield and ordered an oak desk and two matching three-drawer filing cabinets for my study. When I arrived home this evening, I found the furniture had been delivered in my absence, but the filing cabinets were the four-drawer style. Unfortunately, I can use only the three-drawer style because I lack room for anything higher.
I will appreciate having these cabinets picked up and exchanged for the ones I ordered as soon as possible. Please call to arrange a time when I will be home. I trust this matter can be resolved very quickly, so I can get my files organized soon.
Are there any articles for evidence? i won't be able to without any other context
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