These engines were very useful to move machinery in mills, factories, pumping stations and transportationapplications. In the field of transport,steam engines were often used inlocomotives, ships and other land vehicles. Steam machines were of great importance in their application in the field of agriculture.
Pearl Harbor. The atomic bombs that we dropped on Japan was revenge for Pearl Harbor. We already had some issues with Japan but the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor was the main reason for the atomic bombs that President Truman dropped on Japan.
“The soldiers tried to get into the enemy demilitarized zone to free the civilians.” A demilitarized zone is an area that is taken over my an army or military.
Answer: 1: Britain, 2: Navigable railroads, 3: It freed up the labor needed to work in factories, 4: Lived in the cities, 5: Cotton, 6: Water loom, and 7: Steam Engine
Los principales beneficiados fueron los imperios coloniales europeos.
Al principio, los beneficiados fueron Portugal y España, los primeros estados europeos en formar imperios coloniales.
En los siglos posteriores, Francia, Países Bajos, y en especial, el Reino Unido, entraron en la escena colonial y formaron enormes imperios que aún influyen en el mundo de hoy en día.
El Reino Unido en particular tuvo el imperio más grande de la historia durante el siglo XIX, y principios del siglo XX.