Membrane proteins can be classified into two broad categories—integral (intrinsic) and peripheral (extrinsic)—based on the nature of the membrane-protein interactions (see Figure 3-32). Most biomembranes contain both types of membrane proteins.
Las proteínas de membrana se pueden clasificar en dos categorías amplias: integrales (intrínsecas) y periféricas (extrínsecas), según la naturaleza de las interacciones membrana-proteína (véase la figura 3-32). La mayoría de las biomembranas contienen ambos tipos de proteínas de membrana.
Decomposers are responsible for breaking down dead animals bodies into waste, more commonly known as food for themselves, and a more clean ecosystem. You can thank decomposers such as mushrooms and fungi for making sure the ecosystem does not consist of dead bodies.
Spikes are provided in the shoes of athletes so as to increase the friction and prevents from falling down.
so option C. is the answer
Density is measured in mass per volume thus C would be the answer.
2.17 g / cm³