''Stem cells makes copies of itself whereas differentiated cells can't.''
stem cells function differently from differentiated cells because the stem cells divide and make copies of itself. It has the potential either to remain a stem cell or become another type of cell such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain cell if the body needed while on the other hand, differentiated cells are specialized cells which performs specific functions and unable to divide.
They both had a tail as an embryo.
Both human and dogs have tail as an embryo. Temporary tail-like structures are present in the human embryo. These tail like structure develop around the fifth or sixth week of gestation, having about 10 to 12 vertebrae and removed when it reached to its full development stage while on the other hand, tail present in dog's embryo also developed with time and we can see when the dog baby is fully formed.
Integumentary is least connected to the Digestive system
Asexual reproduction is a type of reproduction that doesn’t involve gametes fusing or the change in the number of chromosomes. A spider plant is the perfect example of asexual reproduction, but when it comes to plants like that, it’s referred to a type of asexual reproduction called vegetative propagation.
Definitely belongs to the fungi kingdom!
did you hear the joke about the fungus???
... I could tell you, but it'd take some time to grow on ya!
goodluck my friend, :-)