The sun is what makes the water cycle work. Heat causes a liquid and frozen water to evaporate into water vapour gas, which rises high in the sky, to form clouds.
Gravity pulls denser air and water downward, forcing less dense air and water to move upward. The warm water near the surface of the ocean heats up with sunlight and evaporates, keeping the water cycle in motion.
Binary fission is simple ad rapid compared to mitosis that involves complexities like breaking down the nuclear membrane – which prokaryotes do not have – and replicating the many chromosomes – when prokaryotes have only one.
Replication of the circular DNA in prokaryotes happens as the process of division of the cell happens. In mitosis, the replication of all the genetic material must finish before the process of cytokinesis begins.
Spindle fibers are not formed in binary fission while they are significant in mitosis in drawing different chromosomes to different poles of the cell before cytokinesis.