Need not show any lights is true for a vessel of less than 20 meters in length at anchor at night in a "special anchorage area designated by the Secretary"
In the INTERNATIONAL— Lights and Shapes under RULE 30 named "Anchored Vessels and Vessels Aground" there are several rules listed. For a vessel of fewer than 20 meters in distance, when at staff in a special anchorage zone assigned by the Secretary, shall not be expected to show the anchor lights and shapes needed by this Rule.
Suppose a vessel of fewer than 12 meters in the distance when grounded shall not be wanted to display the lights or shapes. When a vessel of fewer than 7 meters in length, when at staff, not in or near a restricted channel, fairway or anchorage, or where other vessels normally travel, shall not be wanted to show the lights or shape.
The 49th parallel north as a border between the Canadian provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba (to the north), and the U.S. states of Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota and Minnesota (to the south)
He mainly contributed exploring the processes of courtship and divorce. He established the so-called principle of least interest, which states that the person who is part of the group, but is the one having the least interest of continuing with the relationship, is the one who has the most power over it. He applies the concept to personal, business and other types of relationships.
In 1932, he published The Sociology of Teaching. He is described as an early classic in the field of education. He extended, for the first time, the idea of considering schools as organizations with an important social role.
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The 25 000 is a good tip: what happened then?
It was the time of the last Glacial Maximum (Ice age). So either the Bering Strait was frozen over at the time, or the sea water was lower because so much water was taken up by the glaciers (or, most likely, a combination of the two).