C use the same value throughout the entire artwork
If your trying to emphasize something you don’t want it all the same
There are many downsides of animation for example it takes a lot of effort to create even a basic animation, you need skills in use an animation software, and too much animation on a page can be distracting and even annoying also it can take up a lot of bandwidth so it won’t take long to show over a slow Internet connection. Animators can fix the downsides by practicing to use the software and practice before doing the actual or final version of the animation they can also make sure that they have a strong Wi-Fi connection.
fifes and drums were used to regulate the daily activities of the troops.
You don't have to trust me on this but in 4th grade and 5th grade this is what my music teacher said so i positive it's Concerto!!
Mixing red, white and blue primary colors will yield purple.