Tengo cause it’s like yo no tengo tu falda roja:))))
1. gustaría
2. podría, iría
3. ganaría, estaría
4. podríamos
The simple conditional indicative is used in Spanish especially to express hypothetical actions or situations, as well as questions in courtesy or wishes.
The simple conditional in Spanish can be used to:
* make an invitation in all courtesy;
* ask for something politely;
* express a wish;
* make a suggestion;
* express a hypothesis or assumption;
* express a doubt or moment of uncertainty from the past;
* express an assumption about the future by placing the moment of departure of the action in the past.
Pozo de Jacinto, a natural bridge and well in Isabela, Puerto Rico. ... Originally, this cave was called El Pozo de Jobos (Jobos Well), the depth is ... Another version of the legend we've heard is: There was a farmer named Jacinto. ... You must say this in Spanish; Jacinto doesn't speak English