Using the format below, write a five-paragraph letter to Jem explaining how you feel about three of his decisions. Explain wheth
er or not your perception of him has changed and why. Use direct quotes from the text to support why you feel the way that you do. Refer to the formatting of the friendly letter below to help you correctly structure your work. Heading
Sender's Address
Greeting (Dear ______,)
After skipping a line and indenting, begin your opening paragraph. This paragraph states the purpose for writing the letter. Tone should be friendly and respectful.
Skip another line and indent to continue the body of your letter. The body is where you add examples, details, and other relevant information. This letter should contain one to two body paragraphs.
Skip a line and indent yet again to begin your concluding paragraph. Thank the recipient and make any requests in this paragraph.
There are many works in the 20th century Fauvism movement that used good perspective. Fauvism is also well known for abstract colour combinations and vibrancy.