As part of the "Great Coastal Migration," the progenitors of the first Australians were among the first modern people to depart from Africa. Debatable, but generally speaking, the Great Coastal Migration left between 50 and 60,000 years ago. As the name suggests, this migration made its way from Africa via Arabia to India and Southeast Asia along the shore of the Indian Ocean. Sea levels were substantially lower back then. The huge islands off the coast of western Indonesia were really a massive peninsula known as Sunda. Australia, Tasmania, and Papua were all part of a one continuous landmass known as Sahul (in both cases "Sunda" and "Sahul" are modern names for these ancient landmasses, rather than ancient names that have lingered). However, water levels never decreased to the point that they could immediately connect the smaller Indonesian islands of Sunda and Sahul. (Check attachment for a map - for reference).
The Great Coastal Migration had to island hop their way through these little islands to reach Australia when they reached the eastern tip of Sunda. For this portion of the migration, boats or rafts were required, and they could have been required sooner if the Great Coast Migrants had departed Africa by the Horn rather than the Suez. However, we haven't yet discovered concrete proof of the type of watercraft that may have been created at the period. The oldest trustworthy indication of the existence of humans is found between 45 and 50,000 years ago in both Papua and mainland Australia. Historically speaking there's a wide diversity of small watercraft used by indigenous Australians (Check out the second attachment for another map reference); but 45-50,000 years ago is far to remote a time for this historical data to really be useful in telling us what sort of boats or rafts the first Australians used to make the final leg of their journey into Australia.
B. Land rights could either be inherited or earned through war.
National Republican Party, U.S. political party formed after what had been the Republican (or Jeffersonian Republican) party split in 1825. The Jeffersonian Republicans had been the only national political party following the demise of the Federalists during the War of 1812. During the contested election of 1824, followers of Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams began calling themselves National Republicans, while backers of Andrew Jackson emerged as Democratic Republicans. By the election of 1828, the Jacksonians were simply called Democrats, though the name was not formalized until later. Opponents of Jackson joined the National Republican coalition and nominated Adams for a second term. Adams lost, but the National Republicans grew stronger. In 1831 they nominated Henry Clay to run on a platform endorsing the tariff, internal improvements, and the Bank of the United States.
Jackson and the Democrats won an overwhelming victory in the election of 1832, and the National Republicans never nominated another presidential candidate. During Jackson’s second administration, the National Republicans joined with northern and southern conservatives, supporters of the Bank of the United States, and other anti-Jackson groups to form a new coalition. Claiming Jackson governed as “King Andrew I,” the new party called itself the Whigs—after the British party that had opposed the power of the monarchy. By about 1834, there was little trace of the National Republican Party.
I hope this helped. If it did I suggest going onto a site called This particular site will take what I just wrote and paraphrase it, so it will look and sound like your work all along. Have a good day!!
The 2 process that spread agriculture around the world are: 1.) Diffusion<span>2.)Slow colonization or migration of agricultural people (growing populations pushed them outward).
Difussion happens when a social group started to spread innovative idea among its members (such as agricultural technology)
Slow colonization happens when a social group tried to maintain activity that always been done in the past (such as gathering and agriculture)</span>