Answer:what was the question we can answer it again
an act or instance of viewing
an act or instance of viewing or noting a fact or occurrence for some scientific or other special purpose: the observation of blood pressure under stress. the information or record secured by such an act. something that is learned in the course of observing things: My observation is that such clouds mean a storm.
King Leopold II treated the Congo as his personal property and exploited the country for slave labor, rubber, and ivory. The Belgian Congo was established in 1908 after the international community pressured the Belgian government to annex the country and take it out of the king's hands. Conditions in Belgian Congo improved as the Belgian government supported education and established trade. Nevertheless, the people of the Congo increased their demands for independence.
It is located atop Mamayev Kurgan, in Volgograd, Russia, 50 miles from the Volga River.