The picture above is a runner at a runner course likely in a race. The aperture is slightly blurred by the speed in the movement in the photo, and the shutter speed can show that it was caught in a very quick way. By the blurs and the odd position that the runner is in suggests just that. And with the black and white coloring hints that this was taken a while ago.
I hope this helps!
than u would probably feel pain on your clothes and also get burned and also have a nice treat for yourself.also i wouldn't do that because u would lose your clothes and then it would just be a waste of time.Then u would also have to call the fire department to help u so the fire wont spread.and also u would probably get a lot of burn spots on your body
....hopefully u don't do that because it just sounds painful......
Water color paint, show card paint, brushes, crayons, pencils, clay, lettering pens, weaving materials, papier mache, chalk, paper of different sizes, soap or wood, beaver board, linoleum, dyes, wool for weaving or stitchery, sheet cork.