Because knowledge of math and science is necessary for understanding and advancing technology.May 23, 2021
<h2>D.Two staves together</h2>
The Grand Staff is used for piano music and has two staves of five lines that are connected on the left with a brace. The bar lines are drawn through both staves and the space in between them. The top staff uses a treble clef, or G clef, and the bottom staff uses the bass clef, or F clef.
Photojournalism is a subject that includes interest of the world and what is going on. Pictures say it all, politics, LGBTQ+, beauty, sports, you name it! Most of the time, pictures likes these can be used for magazine and more. There are different genres in photojournalism that you can use if you are a serious photojournalist. Because of this type of job, you get to travel into many places and experience many things.
The two that make green is blue and yellow