urgence, haste, swiftness, quickness
A Walk to Remember.
Being a cancer patient myself, I understand how both might experience what they did. She was angry with him because he reminded her that she may not see graduation let alone marriage.
He lacked a lot of understanding in the beginning until she tamed him. He couldn't possibly understand, even at 18, what her problem was. Was it God? Was it what was left unfinished? Was it how he cleverly manipulated her deepest wishes -- like being in two places at once. Slowly she began to see that he was adapting to a philosophy of "Not me but thee." Like marriage. She looked the part of an emaciated cancer patient especially in the hospital.
The scene that is particularly heartbreaking for me was the scene between Landon and his father. I am a parent and I know how it feels to be dressed down by your kid especially when that kid is right. The father must have felt Landon's helplessness. So he did something about it. It is not unrealistic; it is just what fathers do.
It is a not to miss movie or book. Any well stocked library has a copy of one or the other or both.
Answer: because he doesnt want to, simple
1. Saudi Arabia and Brunei are governed by a monarchy.
2. Mexico and the United States are governed by a republic.
3. People vote for their leaders in democratic countries.
A concept you can identify from the text are many different places around the world have different forms of government.
Read the excerpt below and answer the question.
"Love which takes quick hold in a gentle heart Seized this man for the beauty of the body Snatched from me — how it happened galls me! "Love which pardons no one loved from loving Seized me so strongly with my pleasure in him That, as you see, it still does not leave me. (Inferno; Canto V, lines 100-105)
Based on her speech in the excerpt, we can infer Francesca is _________________.
A.) blameless
B.) regretful
C.) unrepentant
D.) sincere
D.) sincere
According to the given excerpt, the narrator seems to be a man in love and describes that love has seized him so strongly and taken hold of his gentle heart.
His tone is that of sincerity and the personification of love in the excerpt is SINCERE.