C i think is least likely to contain technical termonology
What does that even mean???
traffic jams slow you down and people just want to get where they need to go so the speed makes it unbearable.
Because they are separate activities.
Robot: (robotic voice) Who.Are.You.
Boy: Woah! A robot!?
Robot: You. Did. Not. Answer. My. Question.
Boy: Oh! Right. My name's Adrian.
Robot: Adrian. (metallic clicking)
Adrian: So uh...--
Robot: Drop your weapon!
Adrian: What weapon?
Robot: The 3D sphere you are possessing! Drop.It!
Adrian: Um..its not a weapon, its a plastic ball. Want to play catch?
Robot: What?
Adrian: Catch. I throw the ball, you catch it, vice versa.
(Adrian raise ball)
Robot: Halt!
(ball hits robot)
Robot: My processors!
Adrian: Oops, sorry!
Robot: That's it! I need to do my job that was assigned to me.
( Robot pulls out cylindrical object from internal compartment)
Adrian: Woah! What are you doing?
Robot: Will. Obey. Master.
(Adrian ducks)
(A circle is on the floor)
Robot (happily): Must..make...circles!
Adrian rises: Whew!
Robot: Now for my true mission...WORLD DOMINATION!
Adrian: Wait what?
Just a story made out of the figment of my imagination. The plot develops in the story. You can add whatever you want to it.
You've probably heard food justice linked to nutrition, health, 'food deserts', hunger, the environment, and everything in between. ... I like this definition from the NYC-based organization Just Food: “Food Justice is communities exercising their right to grow, sell, and eat healthy food.