The Antebellum Cottonocracy was known as the period of the "Cotton Boom" in the south. This good's value was increasing as the demand for it overseas started to grow. This period also coincided with "The Gilded Age", which was a period of great economic growth and many demographic changes, as the United States received a great number of immigrants coming majorly from Europe. Cotton businessmen had great influence over the southern state as their economic power rose. Slavery continued to be a key factor in the growth of the industry, as enslaved people would be used as workforce along with technological developments in order to increase the production.
California has the most electoral votes because it has the biggest population. 50 million rounded people live there. In comparison, Texas only has about 28 million or so.
Because they were tolerant of different beliefs and encouraged trade between different cultures along the Silk Road, ensuring the safety of traders traveling along the trade routes.
The author supports the claim that it was a "hard fight" to win their right to vote because they weren't considered equal workers to the men workers.
It was considered that women's duties were to take care of the household and to raise children, so they did not have the right to vote and to hold political office. However, women also knew who would be the best choice for society, so they needed the right to vote because they also had good judgment about society and politic situation.
Answer: Because they had never developed immunities to the disease