The type of pronoun used in the above sentence is a RELATIVE PRONOUN.
The relative pronoun is found in the beginning of the adjective phrase. The adjective phrase describes the noun.
In the above sentence the adjective phrase is: WHICH IS SOMETIMES CALLED THE RED PLANET.
It describes the noun MARS.
The relative pronoun used is WHICH.
for the first answer is Romeo and Juliet
The central Idea is "For many reasons, notable people sometimes avoid revealing their private identity".
If you read the text the author clearly expresses his/her feeling based on that one topic. The main idea is implied. (are those multiple answers or a text I'm not sure)
Some scientists look into outer space while others look elsewhere. Georg Steinhauser looked into his bellybutton and discovered what the lint found there contains and its possible purpose. Mostly made of fabric bits and dead skin, it is most likely used to keep germs and other things out.