A reference to an outside topic, event, or person
Kind, class
The root word gener means kind, class.
I believe the answer to this is "true." Really, all conclusions on all events are subjective. But considering history, conclusions on events are especially prone to subjectivity. Consider who writes the history books. If one country wins a war against another country, they will write about themselves as the noble party and portray the enemy as villainous. However, this may not be the real case. This occurs much more than we think, and we must research different events to make sure we are not blindly buying into what people say. Hope this helps.
She is so beautiful, loving, kind, her hair shimmers like stars in the moonlight, her eyes are like tiny suns, her laugh is like a bubbling stream, her figure is more beautiful than Aphrodite. She is his Goddess, his savior, his light. He devotes all his time to making her feel happy.