Karnali Province
Karnali Province is the province in nepal that has least number of industries. The geography and climatic conditions of the Karnali province is the main reason for the decrease in the number of industries. The geography of Karnali province is consist of hilly mountains where industries can't be build. More number of industries can be installed by investing a lot of money as well as prvides facilities to its people so that increase occur in the population.
OPERATIONALIZATION refers to the process where by specific variable are defined and measured based on their function in a study/experiment.
However, to operationalize a variable in a study, a paradigm (theoretical framework) is used by researcher to create a concept through the process of conceptualization.
Definitions are made to back up the study, in other to remove any error or any doubt of the readers during accessing the study.
Thus, based on Jim's study. He defined the frequency and the intensity of the mood swings (as the two variables) for better understanding by the individuals.
Reasons why caribbean countries develop their physical resource are to maximies profit and to better their products so that consumers are happy also to help sustain their economy.