~Hello there! ^_^
Your question: Which four deserts does the Australian desert consists of..?
Your answer: The following are the four deserts that Australian desert consists of:
1) Little Sandy Desert
2) Tanami Desert
3) Simpson Desert
4) Gibson Desert
Happy Studying! =)
i think its 1 im not sure tho
what are the questions tho lol
At present, the populations of richer and more developed countries do not destroy more forests than those of less developed countries, because thanks to their economic development they do not need new areas to exploit and, therefore, they conserve their natural areas without major modifications.
The poorer countries, on the other hand, use their natural resources as an economic asset, thereby greatly modifying their natural environment to meet their economic needs.
Geographeis study where agriculture is distributed acioss Earth The most important distinction is what happens to faim products. In developing regions, the farm products are most often consumed on or near the farm where they are produced, whereas in developed countries, faimers sell what they produce.