Alleged madness
The passage from Act 3 Scene 4 has the recurring idea of alleged madness. First, Olivia, Maria, Sir Toby and Fabian were all making Malvolio seem crazy and devil-possessed with his snobbery and arrogance. Then, the passage shows Olivia desperately in love, thinking she is like Malvolio--going mad. Lastly, Antonio's friendship to Sebastian ( who was actually Cesario) was introduced. Antonio was made to seem mad from his misdirected loyalty.
700 is the correct answer
The correct answer is 3) The narrator has been insulted many times and vows revenge against Fortunato.
At one point in time when he felt that he had been insulted, the narrator decided that enough was enough and that he would have his revenge.
World War II's Impact Lord of the Flies by William Golding was influenced strongly by his experiences as a naval officer during World War II. Golding's wartime service gave him a darker and more realistic look on life, and contributed to the novel's imagery.
the answer is ran quickly