Uhhhhhh what nada hablor espanol
La vida in Spanish means the life in english. SO you can say 'Mi vida es bueno', saying that your life is good.
1. The store at ten (could be said, vamos a la tienda a las diez?) (or without the question mark to make it a demand)
2. And the papers? (I’m assuming “yo” was a typo. If not, then it translates to (“me the papers”, which makes no sense)
3. Not us, the cards.
4. My parents never
5. You pass first?
6. You always the blankets. (There’s some blanks that need to be filled in)
7. Who else is in the matrimony?
That’s all I’m doing mate, I got more work to do myself.
Los discursos políticos a menudo usan la retórica para evocar respuestas emocionales en la audiencia. las personas que escriben libros también usan retórica