<u>Waste water is any water that is affected by human use and is combination of all domestic, industrial and agricultural stuff</u>s.
- It can be also called as the stormwater or surface runoff, or sewer infiltration. This type of water can include the domestic wastes involved in households like toilet flushes, dishwashers, washing machines, and detergents. This type of water in developing countries if often treated with septic tanks, drain fields, and onsite sewage systems.
- Chemical or physical pollutants include heavy metals, organic and inorganic soluble matter such as urea, gases as hydrogen sulfide, various oxides and toxins of pesticides and methane.
- Use of micropollutants like plastics, and thermal pollutants like heat energies derived from the power station and industrial manufactures. Certain biological sources of pollutants like Bacteria, Virus, and Protozoa, and parasites like organisms.
- It can include parasitic like insects, arthropods, and others that reduce the biological oxygen capacity of the freshwater stream and decline in the fish population due to the nutrification of water and contaminants due to the wastewaters.
if your asking about the largest island in the world then greenland is
Because Asia is a developing country so to earn money they ship things they make to more developed countries
Two important measures of a population are population size, the number of individuals, and population density, the number of individuals per unit area or volume. Ecologists estimate the size and density of populations using quadrats and the mark-recapture method.
c.The atmosphere, a plant, a herbivore, a decomposer, then back to the atmosphere.
The carbon cycle is the biogeochemical cycle through which carbon is exchanged between the biosphere, pedosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere and Earth's atmosphere. Together with the nitrogen cycle and the water cycle, the carbon cycle comprises a sequence of events that is key to making the Earth capable of sustaining life; describes the movement of carbon when it is recycled and reused by the biosphere, including carbon sinks.
A single carbon atom would more likely go from the atmosphere through being absorbed by a plant and, later, it would enter into the organism of a herbivore that eats the plant. After the herbivore dies, the carbon atom would enter into the organism of a decomposer that would expel it back again into the atmosphere.