This is everything that a station model shows us current weather conditions, cloud cover, wind speed, wind direction, visibility, temperature, dew point temperature, atmospheric pressure adjusted to sea level, and the change in pressure over the last three hours.
One parent
Identical offspring
Less developed organism
Faster time period to produce
Two parents
Unique offspring (genetic variation)
More complex organism
Slower time period to produce
Answer: Liver
Glucose is the most important fuel source for the body, specifically the brain. It is absorbed through the
mucosal lining into the epithelial cells of the intestine by active transport
via sodium-dependent hexose
transporter. From the epithelial cells, glucose is moved into the surrounding capillaries
by facilitated diffusion into the liver. Once in the liver, glucose is stored as glycogen.
Density, the weight of an object divided by its volume, is a property of all matter, including solids, liquids and gases. The value of an object's density depends on what it's made of as well as its temperature; for example, lead weights are denser than feathers, and cold air is denser than hot air.