picture are there to give a visual or make the document more appealing. if your wording and information isnt up to date or reasonable people wont lean to what you are saying as much.
Line of sight wireless
Line of sight wireless are wireless which enable antenna to sends and receives a microwave signal to the ISP's antenna
By standing between the mounted antenna at client building so that the other side of the wireless connection you intend to create can be visible.
Line of Sight wireless also provide electro-magnetic radio waves that tends to be less affected by external forces leading to better connection reliability because all wireless networks excel only with true line of sight that is why it is always advisable that the antennas are mounted above the tree line, to ensure proper connections without obstacles between them since
Line of sight depend on having a clear line of sight between the antenna and the hotspot .
Quality assurance team
Software development life cycle (SDLC) is a process or stages of processes a software application must go through to be materialized. The stages of SDLC are planning, design, implementation or development, testing or verification, deployment and maintenance.
An implemented software design must be tested. It is tested based on the pre-dertermined design and the quality standard of the company. A group of test expect are approached for this purpose, they are called the quality assurance team
They are equipped with skills to use third party applications to analyze and verify the quality of the developed software.
Hard drive Microsoft have the highest priority actions
Apply a slide layout
1 . Select the slide that you want to change the layout for.
2 . Select Home > Layout.
3 . Select the layout that you want. The layouts contain placeholders for text, videos, pictures, charts, shapes, clip art, a background, and more. The layouts also contain the formatting for those objects, like theme colors, fonts, and effects